
homeHome workshop Making beeswax wraps
Making beeswax wrap 1

Beeswax is wax that is extracted from honey bee hives.
We make wraps by soaking cloth with beeswax made by bees kept at Moominvalley Park.
It is an eco-friendly wrap that saves money and is kind to the earth because it can be washed and used repeatedly.

Date September 9th (Monday/Holiday), October 18th (Monday/Holiday)
Time 10: 00-16: 30 (Last reception 16:00)
Venue Moominvalley area *KOKEMUS 2F kids space in case of rain
Entry fee ASK

Attention point

Moominvalley Park Bee Project

The honey source is Moominvalley Park

Moominvalley Park is filled with many flowers and trees around the lake.Moominvalley Park, including horse chestnut trees, and the rich nature of the surrounding area are sources of nectar.
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