Notice of metsä Village business hours (January to March 2024)
homeHome workshop Forest Pepanica Concert
Forest Pepanica Concert 1

* The video is an image.

Would you like to participate in the Forest Pepanica Concert?
"Pepanica" is a palm-sized accordion made of paper that makes only one sound.If you make all the Doremi Fasolaside and prepare them, you can enjoy playing like a handbell.On the day of the event, we will assemble Pepanica with Ms. Michiko Okada, an accordion-specialized repair and cook who devised Pepanica, and all the participants will try to play "Kirakira Hoshi".

Date 12/9
Time 11時の音楽会:11:00~12:30、14時の音楽会:14:00~15:30
Venue Craft Bibliotech
Entry fee 3,000 yen (tax included, sweets and drinks included)
Capacity Each time 16 name
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